Before travelers and workers of various spheres who have come to Volgograd for several days, there is a question of accommodation. You can rent an apartment, go to a hostel or stay in a comfortable hotel. The task of selecting prices for many is acute, and the MARTON network decided it by providing rooms in the hotel at a competitive price.
It is as advantageous as in the private sector
Today you can rent an apartment in the city for an average of 1800 rubles, while encountering unknown personalities, bored with the situation and lack of service. MARTON Palace offers apartments for a similar price, located in a well-maintained complex. Here you get the following benefits:
- Designer interiors, allowing you to enjoy the beauty;
- Bar, restaurant, parking place, shop with souvenirs;
- Modern air conditioning and ventilation system;
- Stable communications included in the price;
- 24-hour service, which solves your problems;
- Clean rooms, cleaned every day.
- & nbsp; Quality of service, always remaining at the height - the main plus of the brand MARTON. Coming to us, you are provided with smiles, absence of wagons and difficulties during your stay. This allows you to relax in full, without being distracted by unnecessary trivia.